A deep dive with Clionagh, strait out the Big Condo Records Roster

5 min readJul 26, 2023


How did you get into music?

I first got into music from a very young age. I guess you could say I just clicked with it.

I used to dance around my bedroom listening to my iPod on the speaker, from there it became a growing passion, I not only loved music but wanted to create my own music and become a trained singer! I was around 6 when It was clear I had a musical ear and talent for singing, with my daily singing in my room and joining the choir, I began growing my vocal technique and even started writing my own music!

What inspired you to become an artist ?

One of my earliest inspirations was Dolly Parton, I remember listening to her song “coat of many colours” on repeat and thinking that her voice was incredible! You can guess that I learnt that song off by heart in no time and sang it everywhere! The way Dolly Parton wrote music really inspired me I enjoyed how “coat of many colours” was like a story and how it made me feel the emotion she was trying to bring through, I knew I wanted to create art like this and write my own stories and experiences for people to feel!

Explain your creative process like?

My creative process for songwriting usually begins with chords, I then create a melody and then the lyrics come after that, this isn’t always the process so it can vary, for example recently iv started writing lyrics first- when I’m feeling a certain emotion, I’ll write down an idea and try to expand on this.

I then match chords and melody to that song to show what I’m trying to say and then I have my song!

You just signed to Big Condo Records, what’s that like ?

Being signed to Big Condo Records has been an amazing opportunity so far and is helping me grow as an artist and performer every day.

It’s been a very positive experience and I am super excited for the upcoming projects I have been working on with them, it’s nice to have a team around you and to be constantly learning and growing with support! I’m really enjoying every minute of it.

If you could go open a show for any artist, who would it be?

This is a difficult one as I love many artists but right now, I would absolutely love to open for Adele or Taylor Swift, these are two powerful female influences and two artists I really look up to in terms of songwriting and overall artists.

Give us a message for your fans?

One message I would give is that no matter what your going through or who you are, never be afraid to be yourself. I know life is a rollercoaster of experiences, including good and bad and so it’s ok not to be ok! I hope my music reaches fans and allows them to feel connected to me and not alone! I also really hope my music brings happiness and love and unites all my fans- well all my fans I’m still working on growing that lol!

How’s things going with your new manager ?

It’s really a great working environment working with Royzy and we get on like a house on fire! I think we share a lot of the same visions, and this really goes well with my artist building. He’s a good mentor and has taught me a-lot about the industry and how I can really push to grow! It’s overall such a positive thing and I think we work amazing together and are going to make some cool moves in the music scene.

Do you sing in the house?

I love covering random songs everyday it’s really what mood I’m in, it could range from Harry Styles to Adele, depending on my mood but I absolutely do annoy the neighbours!

What would you be doing if you didn’t get signed ?

I am currently studying at the Liverpool Institute For Performing Arts and finishing my degree there this year, alongside being on the Big Condo Records label, I think if I wasn’t signed to there I would be on a much more independent artist journey whilst balancing my music degree and working on my own songs and musical journey alongside this, however I’m super happy to have a team around me with the label and be learning everything I am.

Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?

I have performed all over Liverpool including venues such as The Shipping Forecast, Round the Corner, The Jacaranda and more. These have all been incredible performing at with my band! My favourite venue to perform in has probably been the Shipping Forecast as I love the sound there and also I really like the venue in itself with the spacious stage and cool atmosphere. My least favourite place I have played at would be Round The Corner, Liverpool as it’s a bit of a smaller a venue which works and is cool for vibes but I absolutely love having a bigger stage, I mean who doesn’t?

I also have an upcoming gig at the Big Condo Records Refreshment event on the 11th of August at The Shipping Forecast in Liverpool.

What do you think your new single will achieve for you ?

I think my new single will be that great first step out there into the artist world. I think my first single will be incredible for bringing in some new fans and making some noise in the industry, this will get the ball rolling in my musical journey and help me to keep growing a fanbase.

What is your favourite cover song to perform?

One of my favourite songs to cover is Zombie by The Cranberries as I love the story behind it as I’m irish and it holds a special part in my heart. I also really love covering Adele songs to show off some cool parts of my voice and being able to create emotion in the room I’m performing in.

Which famous musicians do you admire?

I admire a lot of famous musicians but one in particular would be Billie Eilish, as I love her entire concept, and what she is about. She delves into a lot of important issues and really connects with her fans from writing about her own experiences and I admire this. She also isn’t afraid of being herself as an artist and not letting expectations and stigma change her or her music.

What would you like to say to everyone?

Go stream my new singles when they are out and give my socials a follow to keep updated on these and also my upcoming gigs!

Plug your socials?

Instagram — clionagh_

TikTok — clionaghmusic

Twitter — clionagh_

Facebook — cliomusic

Youtube — clionagh



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