Andrea Pimpini publishes “Every Breath”

2 min readMay 2, 2022


He was the protagonist of a billboard chart; one of the first artists to have supported the initiative #iosuonodacasa in the middle of the pandemic and have been shared on Sky TG and the main online newspapers; he has performed on the occasion of one of the most famous festivals in Italy for 4 editions; he told himself to the microphones of Il Messaggero. He carried on, in parallel with his musical career, a petition sent to the Government and signed by more than 60,000 people in 2020/2021: for this reason he was a guest of Radio Capital and Radio24

Today Andrea Pimpini returns with a new single, “Every Breath”!

The song is available on all major music streaming platforms and has entered radio rotation.


About a month ago my first single was released featuring an international voice. I didn’t wait to come out with this new single for the simple reason that music, nowadays, runs. Every Friday new songs come out, so after a week a song becomes old. — Andrea explains — Every Breath is a prayer. A prayer addressed to a person who unfortunately no longer exists today. He wanted to see me sing live at least once but he never got the chance. I hope this song will reach her.”

The surprises don’t end there!

Andrea Pimpini, Saturday 7 May, returns to sing live in Pescara (the last time dates back to 2019, before the pandemic). He will do so as a guest of the Spazio Contest Show.

I’m happy to be singing live again. That’s my favorite size. There you see the people, you really live the music. Pescara for better or for worse is the city where I was born, so when they recognize me on the street, when they invite me to these festivals, I am really happy. They often ask me why I don’t play more often in Pescara and go out of town. It’s not up to me; those who organize events can choose whether to invite me … If it doesn’t, amen.”

Andrea Pimpini is a singer-songwriter from Abruzzo. In 2017 he made his debut at Romics in front of thousands of spectators. In 2019, together with the Greater Fool Media of Rome, the Influencer Network, publishes its first unpublished work. The following year, thanks to the initiative #iosuonodacasa and the success of the album, Andrea Pimpini’s live streams were shared on the most important newspapers in Italy: Radio RAI 2, Sky TG24, Optimagazine, and All Music Italia. In 2021, Billboard puts Andrea Pimpini at the top of one of its international charts for 3 weeks in a row. After releasing the first Ep. in English, in 2022 Il Messaggero interviews Andrea.



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